Monday, October 8, 2007

Columbus Day Weekend

Well, you'll be happy to know that I finally took some pictures at SMC. I'm going to pace myself though and give you one with every blog. Today's picture is of Zipi and Lantana. Aren't they sooooo cute?So, from my previous blogs you know that I was supposed to be at a show today (Columbus Day) in Clinton, CT. Unfortunately, Tara has an abscess (an infection in her hoof) and cannot be ridden for several days. I could have still gone to the show but decided to use the day to recuperate and catch up on homework and laundry. In the next couple of week, I will show both Tara and Lantana - I'm not sure where but I will keep you updated.

The two young horses, Zipi and Zee, each have someone interested in buying them. Zee had a woman come out and look at her twice and seems very interested in her. Zipi has someone from N.C. interested in him and wants to buy him sight unseen. Good news for both of them - I will keep you updated.

The trainer just got in a new Quarter Horse pony, Happy Feet, from Texas. Very cute, just needs some more muscle on him. I rode him Sunday and he was very well-behaved. I'm not sure exactly what the plan for him is, maybe keep him through the spring and then sell him... but I really have no idea. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

This coming week I'm heading out to the barn on Tuesday and Thursday.

Talk to you later,

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