Friday, October 5, 2007

Catch Up

Here's you: Bored reader. Here's me: S.T.R.E.S.S.E.D. I've been a horrible blogger but I'm re-organizing my life this weekend so I promise I WILL start being better. I've spread myself too thin but that's all about to change. In the meantime, I'll catch you up with my horse-y life.

Everything at SMC is going well, although I do feel a bit overwhelmed. Yesterday I went out, hoping to be home by 7 p.m. which gave me a little of three hours of riding time. Unfortunately, although I'm not totally complaining, I had six horses to ride. I managed to get to five of them before I absolutely had to get home. I love riding and I love helping SMC out but when I have that many horses to work in that short a time I feel stressed and rushed and do only a mediocre job (which totally annoys me). I got home around 8:30 p.m. and had tons of other work that needed to get down before I could relax.

Anyways, back to the horses... my mom and I made a joint decision to not go ahead with Zee. She is a wonderful horse but we both felt it wasn't the right thing to do. I have to admit, I was a bit heartbroken, but I'll get over it and as my mom always says: "There is ALWAYS a better one down the road." Zee is doing well though and people are lining up to come out and see her and the other 3-year-old, Zipi.

Tara has been good. I jumped her bigger this week, about 3'3", in preparation for the show on Monday, Oct. 8, in Clinton, CT. The jumps are no problem for her but she has been a little sticky on her right-to-left lead change. I don't think it is a physical problem though, just bad habit.

I didn't take any pics yesterday because I was s.t.r.e.s.s.e.d and rushed (see above apology) but I will try to take some on Sunday.

Off to Editing class now,


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